Martos, RenátaMoradian, Mohammadarian2024-04-292024-04-292024-03-11 composites, despite their lower mechanical properties, offer benefits like enhanced flowability and adaptability for cavity sealing. They are commonly used in various dental procedures, and new categories like bulk-fill and bioactive composites aim to improve their antimicrobial properties. Overall, they have become a versatile and dependable material in dentistry, with ongoing potential for advancement. Clinicians should stay informed about these developments for informed decision-making in clinical practice.39enFlowable CompositeIndication of Flowable CompositeProgress of Flowable CompositesMechanical properties of Flowable CompositeFLOWABLE RESIN COMPOSITE: INNOVATIONS AND PERSPECTIVESMedicineHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.