Matkó, AndreaAbujudeh, Said2023-10-312023-10-312023 role of organizational culture and leadership styles became critical to an organization's survival. That is why this study empirically investigated the links between the employed leadership styles of insurance companies leaders and the organizational culture of Jordanian insurance companies and their impacts on the organizational performance and employees attitudes. The study sample includes 328 participants distributed among 15 insurance companies. Besides, the study treated the employees performance indicators, job satisfaction and organizational commitment as mediators of the leadership styles and cultural traits links with the organizational performance, including effectiveness and employees intention to quit. As result, this study contributes to the body of knowledge about organizational behavior within a non-Western context by providing an empirical finding about the organization's culture and the leadership styles impact on Jordanian insurance companies' performance.150enLeadership StylesOrganizational Cultureeffectivenessjob satisfactionorganizational commitmentOrganizational culture and leadership styles impact on organizational performance in Jordanian insurance sectorOrganizational culture and leadership styles impact on organizational performance in Jordanian insurance sectorGazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományokTársadalomtudományok