Fézer, TamásKhakimova, Alina2022-05-282022-05-282022-05-27http://hdl.handle.net/2437/333815This work is dedicated to the evaluation of preferences regimes in international law. The author considers the examples of the European Union and WTO preferences regimes and how they affect the economies of the developing states. On the example of WTO case law, the readers will learn what approach was taking by the DSB to the implementation of preferences in international legal regime. The author also considers the main controversial points which arise from preferences regimes such as non-discrimination and non-reciprocity. The author stresses the main difficulties and threats which can be discovered.40enLawpreferencesdeveloping countriesWTOGSPInternational preferences regimes: the examples of the World Trade Organization and the European UnionDEENK Témalista::Jogtudomány