Furkó, PéterFarkas, Dóra2013-03-052013-03-052010-04-152013-03-05http://hdl.handle.net/2437/161267In my thesis I would like to set the fundamental differences and their possible reasons in the focus of attention. I would like to find an answer for the question: what are the main divergences between women and men talk? In the first chapter I intend to investigate the possible causes of the differences and later in the subsequent part of my thesis I will elaborate on the potential malfunctions that may occur in a conversation and which could be caused by theses differences. I will introduce the issue of politeness and slang language use as well and try to investigate these topics in the frame of the chief differences.47ensocialisationwomen talkmen talkFeatures of Women and Men TalkdiplomamunkaCoincidences and Differences with a Special Regard to DifferencesDEENK Témalista::Nyelvtudomány::Nyelvészetip