BÓLYA, ANNA MÁRIA2024-07-222024-07-222023-03-15Macedón Tudományos és Kulturális Közlemények, Évf. 6 szám 1 (2023): 3Dance 3Didactics - The Benefits of Virtual Reality in Arts , 3-8.2677-0512https://hdl.handle.net/2437/376335Absztrakt A cikk a „3Dance 3Didactics” nagyprojekt részét képező “Balletwhere – Testing a ballet historical 3D classroom as an educational, collaborative and promotional space” keretében zajló konferenciáról ad ismertetést. A „Conference on Applications of Virtual Reality in Performing Arts” címmel megrendezett esemény 2022 augusztusában zajlott, az Ohridi-tó partján. Abstract The article reports on the conference that was held in the frame of project "Balletwhere - Testing a ballet historical 3D classroom as an educational, collaborative and promotional space", which is part of the "3Dance 3Didactics" larger project. The event, entitled "Conference on Applications of Virtual Reality in Performing Arts", took place in August 2022 on the shores of Lake Ohrid.application/pdf#3d tanc#vr eloadomuveszetek#ohridi konferencia#balletwhere#3d tanterem#3d dance#vr performing arts#ohrid conference#3d classroomINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 
ON APPLICATIONS OF VIRTUAL REALITY IN PERFORMING ARTS AND THE BALLETWHERE PROJECTfolyóiratcikkOpen AccessMacedonian Cultural and Scientific Announcementshttps://doi.org/10.56309/a821g849Macedón Tudományos és Kulturális Közlemények16Macedón Füzetek