Surányi, ÉvaJames, Michael2017-12-292017-12-292017-11-10 is a comprehensive overview of choroidal melanomas, including it's general features, imaging techniques and available therapies. The focus is placed on color Doppler and fluroescein angiography and their roles in the care of a choroidal melanoma patient. Much of the thesis focuses on the comparison of these two techniques to the gold standards of indirect ophthalmoscopy and ultrasonography. Color Doppler and fluorescein angiography primarily function as diagnostic aids; showing far more value in the therapy and continuing care of the patient due to a lack of characteristic signs seen with choroidal melanomas. While they are helpful techniques, they are not a vital process of the procedure of choroidal melanoma care.40enmelanomaophthalmologydiagnosticsChoroidal Melanomas - The Role of Color Doppler and Fluorescein AngiographyDEENK Témalista::Orvostudomány