Matkó, Andrea EmeseAlkayyali, Reem Hani Samih2024-06-192024-06-192024-05-26 aim of this study is to explore the intersection between quality management, environmental management and sustainability and the ways in which Hungarian manufacturing firms navigate between them. Additionally, the study seeks to provide insights into the current state of these areas within the manufacturing sector in Hungary.Through examining seven Hungarian manufacturing companies’ responses to three questionnaires about Quality management, Environmental management, and Sustainability, this thesis answers important questions about the correlations between these three areas88 pagesenquality management correlationenviromental managementsustainabilitymanufacteringcorrelationpearson correlation coefficientIntersection between Quality Management, Environmental Management and Sustainability in Manufacturing firms in HungaryA minőségirányítás, a környezetirányítás és a fenntarthatóság metszéspontja a magyarországi gyártó cégeknélEconomics::Industrial managementHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.