MOLNAR, PETERKWEZI, KIMBERLY KATTO2021-06-242021-06-242021-05-06 literary review on parenting and its affect on children from infancy down to their future. How the different styles of parenting affects the child are observed. The studies looked at approach both mental health and behaviour. Different up-bringing environments e.g Europe, the US, and Uganda in Africa are observed from studies taken to appreciate the various situations that may have lead to trauma in the now-parenting trends. The consequences like addiction are also observed as a result of unrecommended styles of parenting. And finally, a way forward is concluded for example sensitisation and community therapy, in order to reduce on this potential public health issue.32enPARENTING,WELL-BEINGMENTAL HEALTHPARENTAL ATTACHMENTTHE SOCIO-BEHAVIOURAL IMPORTANCE OF PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND MENTAL HEALTHDEENK Témalista::Pszichológia