Furkó, PéterNagy, Melinda2013-06-072013-06-072009-04-142013-06-07http://hdl.handle.net/2437/170508The goal of this essay is to gain insight to both what exactly pragmatics is and how it might be important or how it might be rather indistinct to semantics (and other linguistic fields). Further in elaborating or defining pragmatic meaning, this in turn along with a fuller understanding of culture can better help to isolate cross-cultural pragmatic failure from other types of communication failure. Finally, I attempt to answer how to help students to be better equipped in avoiding cross-cultural communication problems that which may be more related to individual character and beliefs.53enpragmatic failuresociopragmatic failurepolitenesscultureIntercultural Pragmatic FailurediplomamunkaAnalysis and Implication for Language TeachingDEENK Témalista::Nyelvtudomány::Nyelvészetip