Nagy, TiborSzikiné Lovászi, Barbara2013-01-302013-01-302011-03-292013-01-30 the following thesis, I intend to discuss some important issues of the theory of language equivalency and illustrate them with examples taken from my own works of translation. My paper is heavily based on the views of one of our outstanding contemporary linguists, Mona Baker, on this subject. She discussed equivalency on many levels; however, I mainly focused on the level of words and equivalency above word level (eg. collocations) in my paper. The three texts I selected for translation and for the analysis of issues of equivalency and non-equivalency are related to the European Union, sustainable development, eco-innovative technologies and, more specifically, environmentally friendly cars.38enlexical equivalenceEU related textLexical Equivalence in Different Types of EU Related Texts and Their TranslationsdiplomamunkaDEENK Témalista::Nyelvtudomány::Nyelvészetip