De Oliveira,-Júnior, José FranciscoMendes, DavidSzabó, SzilárdSingh, Sudhir KumarJamjareegulgarn, PunyawiCardoso, Kelvy Rosalvo AlencarBertalan, LászlóDa Silva, Marcos ViniciusDa Rosa Ferraz, Jardim, Alexandre ManicobaDa Silva, Jhon Lennon BezerraLyra, Gustavo BastosAbreu, Marcel CarvalhoFilho, Washington Luiz Félix CorreiaDe Sousa, AmauryDe Barros, Santiago, DimasDa Silva Santos, Iwldson GuilhermeMaksudovna, Vafaeva Khristina2024-01-032024-01-032024Earth Systems and Environment. -[Epub ahead of print] (2024). -Earth Syst. Environ. - 2509-9426. - 2509-94342509-94262509-9434 of the El Niño on Fire Dynamics on the African Continentfolyóiratcikkopen access articleészettudományokFöldtudományokő