Glant, TiborLakatos, Lívia Tímea2018-06-112018-06-112018-04-12 and environmental protection are hot topics nowadays. Humankind has reached a point where serious steps should be taken to protect the natural beauties and life on our planet. The reason why the Earth is currently in this situation is rooted in the exploitation, overuse and careless use of natural resources for centuries. Because of the complexity of the issue, in my thesis, I explore the main factors that led to the rise of the modern environmental movement. With a particular focus on the destruction of nature, the different forms of pollution, the role of education, and a shift in the public opinion that eventually manifested in the public demand for the protection of nature.58en-USenvironmental protectionUnited StatesThe Rise of the Modern Environmental MovementdiplomamunkaA modern környezetvédelmi mozgalom kialakulásaDEENK Témalista::Kultúratudomány