Trón, ZsuzsannaMukayezu, Angelique2022-04-252022-04-252022-04-21 thesis focuses on the impact of economic integration to improve the economy of a country. I explain the theories and effects of integration in the first part to show how the theories have been implemented by the East African Community African community to enhance the development of countries with the case study of Rwanda in the second part. Although the East African Community helps a lot in improving economic development, the last part of my thesis shows the challenges this economic integration still faces that hinders it from achieving its full potential.51enEast African CommunityIntegrationEconomic developmentThe role of East African Community to development: A case study of RwandaA kelet-afrikai közösség szerepe a fejlődésben: egy Ruandai esettanulmányDEENK Témalista::Közgazdaságtudomány