ZACCARIA, MÁRTON LEÓKaraca, Elif Günseli2025-01-162025-01-162025-01 thesis examines the rights of cabin crew members within the framework of European Union regulations and their application in different legal systems, including Turkey. It highlights key areas such as working hours, rest periods, social rights, union rights, job security, and compensation. The study underscores the imbalance between the rights of passengers and cabin crew, advocating for harmonized and improved working conditions across EU member states. Additionally, it addresses specific issues like training, combating discrimination, and ensuring occupational health and safety for cabin crew. The research aims to propose solutions for creating a balanced and fair working environment in the aviation sector.30enRights of Cabin CrewEuropean Union RegulationsRIGHTS OF CABIN CREW AND EXAMINATIONOF THESE RIGHTS WITH REGULATIONS OF THE EUROPEAN UNIONRIGHTS OF CABIN CREW AND EXAMINATIONOF THESE RIGHTS WITH REGULATIONS OF THE EUROPEAN UNIONLawHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.