Bognár, KatalinBadie, Farshad2013-05-102013-05-1020132013-05-10> What we offer is a framework for thought and a plausible mechanism to account for the emergence of the domain of human conceptual knowledge. > Conversational Learning may also be subject to development as a perception for designing constructivist learning support systems. > The conversational approach looks at the on-going Student-Teacher interaction. > From this we develop a set of criteria for assessing Teaching/Learning Systems, particularly those based on educational technology. > The framework includes four important components: Teacher's concepts - Teacher's constructed learning environment - Student's concepts - Student's specific actions (related to learning tasks). > Ontological Analysis of this system clarifies the structure of the knowledge that is being processed during the conversation. In fact, the ontology forms the heart of Conversational Learning as a System for Representation Inferences > If we don’t have the conceptualizations behind the knowledge, we as a result do not have the vocabulary for representing knowledge. An ontology includes a vocabulary of terms, and some specification of their meaning. This includes definitions and an indication of how concepts are related, which imposes a structure on the domain and constraints the interpretations of terms. > The ontology used in the Conversational Learning System, has an impact on both the subject and the object. Accordingly the utility of the ontology is bound to the object and the subject of the learning activity and can’t be assessed independently. > A package of Knowledge is transferring between teacher and student. We have analyzed it. > Learning in DL uses a component-based model; In fact it helps to have a more flexible and easily extensible system. (For Representing and Analyzing the transferred package of knowledge).34enConversation TheoryOntologyDescription LogicsLearningOntologies of Learning Based On Conversation TheoryDEENK Témalista::Informatika::Számítógéptudomány