Vágner, Anikó SzilviaKydyrbekova, Kaniet2024-06-232024-06-232024-04-17https://hdl.handle.net/2437/374555The project's goal was to build an online platform for the travel and tourist field in Kyrgyzstan. It has a user-friendly interface that meets the various needs of both local service providers and tourists. Using frameworks such as Spring Boot, the project made use of database administration, architectural patterns, and backend development. The portal provides users with a simple to operate and smooth way to discover the cultural assets of Kyrgyzstan. The project also focused on supporting the expansion and success of regional companies within the tourism sector, contributing to the overall economic growth of Kyrgyzstan. Through continuous evaluation and optimization, the platform aims to evolve and adapt to the changing needs and preferences of its users.48enTourism Platform in KyrgyzstanNomad Trails PlatformInformaticsHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.