Nádasi, Levente SándorYu, Keying2024-06-182024-06-182023-10-24https://hdl.handle.net/2437/373443The purpose of this study is to give us a comprehensive understanding of the economic trends and patterns of these different countries by studying the changes in GDP growth, inflation, and unemployment in different countries within a specific period we choose, and the factors that influence the changes in these indicators. In addition, this article's research can also reveal differences in economic performance and policy approaches across countries. Most importantly, the results of this study can be used to inform decision-making and assist policymakers in formulating effective positive assumptions to promote economic development, stability, and social welfare.42penEconomic indicatorsGDPcapitalist countriesComparison of three economic indicators (GDP growth, inflation,unemployment) between capitalist and socialist countriesDEENK Témalista::KözgazdaságtudományHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.