Fézer, TamásZhusubaliev, Atantai2021-06-102021-06-102021-06http://hdl.handle.net/2437/310976The goal of this thesis is to study about the commercial arbitration, the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards and the third-party funding in the Kyrgyz Republic. The commercial arbitration is one of the most effective means of resolution of commercial disputes worldwide, which is alternative to state courts. This institution has its own features and benefits, and decisions of these courts are to be recognized and enforced in all States, participants to the New York Convention 1958 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. However, the costs of arbitration are gradually becoming expensive and parties cannot afford themselves protecting their legal rights, thus having obstacles in access to justice. Therefore, a new instrument for funding the arbitration proceedings, known as third-party funding, have been emerged in this regard, making burning discussions around this topic. As a result, to achieve the abovementioned goal on the basis of the studied national and international legal acts, scientific papers and researches the following objectives were set: to study general characteristics, history and concept of arbitration, arbitration costs, the concept third-party funding of commercial arbitration, its advantages and regulation in global practice. Moreover, the following objectives were explored: commercial arbitration courts in the Kyrgyz Republic: activity of courts, recognition, and enforcement of arbitral awards; and third-party funding of commercial arbitration in the Kyrgyz Republic.44enThird-Party FundingCommercial ArbitrationProviding AccessProviding Access to Protection of RightsGlobal PracticeThird-Party Funding of Commercial Arbitration, as Providing Access to Protection of Rights, in Global Practice and in the Kyrgyz RepublicDEENK Témalista::Jogtudomány