Borus, GyörgyGulyás, Gábor2013-01-252013-01-252011-03-292013-01-25 is a fallible creature and he would do anything for power and money. It was not any different in 18th-century Great Britain. The desire for domination surely lurked in every politician who was close the George III and these politicians would have done anything to obtain the power of regency. This era was the intricate world of intrigues where brother was against brother and friendship was only a fleeting notion. Politicians used their nieces to seduce kings thus they could control them and direct the country as they pleased. In 1760, when George III succeeded to the throne, the great ruling families thought that nothing could interrupt their dominant power over the country, but they were wrong. The new King brought moral values to the heart of the empire... (Introduction)33enGeorge IIIregency crisespoliticsGreat BritainKing George III and the Regency Crisis of 1765diplomamunkaDEENK Témalista::Történelemtudomány::Egyetemes történetip