Shepelkevich, Alla P.Dydyshka, Yuliya V.Yurenya, Elena V.Lobashova, Veranika L.Attanasio, RobertoHegedüs, LászlóNagy, Endre V.Negro, RobertoPapini, EnricoPerros, Petros2022-04-022022-04-022021Problems of Endocrinology. -68 : 1 (2021), p. 18-26. -Probl Endokrinol (Mosk). - 0375-9660. - 2308-14302308-14300375-9660 of the use of synthetic analogues of thyroid hormones: a 2020 THESIS* questionnaire survey of members of the Belarusian Public Medical Association of Endocrinology and Metabolismfolyóiratcikkopen access articleányokKlinikai orvostudományok