Bartha, IldikóKharytonova, Diana2024-01-102024-01-102024-01-10 paper explores the regulatory framework of the European Union (EU) for mergers and acquisitions in innovative industries, such as technology, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology. The study aims to compare the EU's approach to merger control with that of other jurisdictions, such as the USA and Republic of Korea, to highlight the challenges and opportunities in regulating mergers in innovative industries. It delves into the criteria used to assess mergers, the consideration of potential competition, while discussing the policy implications of these assessments in balancing innovation and competition. The thesis also addresses the evolving nature of digital markets and its implications for merger control, particularly in relation to emerging technologies and platforms. Through this comparative analysis, the study contributes to the ongoing discussion on the effectiveness of merger control in fostering innovation and maintaining competitive markets in the EU and beyond.34enEU merger controlinnovationdigital marketcompetition policyEU Merger Control in Innovative IndustriesA Comparative Analysis and Policy ImplicationsDEENK Témalista::LawHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.