Mankovits, TamásUmeh, Ugonna Samuel2025-02-052025-02-052024-11-25 study uses compression testing to determine the effect of porosity change on the effective Young’s modulus of lattice structures. Three sets of lattice structures with different porosities were designed and 3D printed. They were then subjected to compressive forces, and their displacement was documented. This data indicated how the effective Young's modulus varied with a change in porosity. Finite element analysis was also employed to see how effectively it predicted material properties.40enLattice StructuresCompression Test3D printingFinite Element AnalysisDetermination of the compressive properties of lattice structures produced by SLA technologySLA technológiával előállított rácsszerkezetek nyomó tulajdonságainak meghatározásaEngineering Sciences::EngineeringHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.