Sándor Lakatos and his Gypsy Band2008-12-112008-12-111987HRC_068http://hdl.handle.net/2437/556221.Csárdás /Vittorio Monti +2.Whistled hora /Anonymous +3.The magic fiddle /Sándor Lakatos +4.On the Armenian street (Hora) /Anonymous +5.Staccato capriccioso /Sándor Lakatos +6.Romance /Sándor Lakatos +7.Harmonic waltz /Nadia Boulanger +8.The canary (polka) /Miron Polyakin +9.March hora /Grigoras Dinicu +10.Serenade /Sándor Lakatos +11.Pizzicato waltz /Nadia Boulanger +12.The enchanted bow /Sándor Lakatos +13.Hey, gypsy = Hej, cigány /Emerich Kálmán +14.Pretty Katie = Helyre Kati /Jenő Hubay +15.Violin solo : from the opera "The violin-maker of Cremona" /Jenő Hubay +16.Scene in the csárdás No.2 /Jenő Hubay12 cm1 CDBudapest at nighthttp://webpac.lib.unideb.hu:8082/WebPac/CorvinaWeb?action=cclfind&resultview=long&ccltext=idno+bibKLT00110684bibKLT00110684