Simon, ZoltánHajdu, Kristóf2013-05-022013-05-022013-04-142013-05-02 project is about creating a compact synthesis of the setup and the influence of the Italian Organized Crime in the interval from the 19th century till the first half of the 20th century and in order to describe and understand Italian Organized Crime as an institution, with the approach of three-ply: first, a great emphasis on historical aspects of Sicilian and Italian Mafia, second, citing the development of Italian Organized Crime in the United States of America, and third, the most influential incidents of the Italian Organized Crime, that impacted the American society.28en-USOrganized crimeSocial impactsItalian Organized CrimediplomamunkaDEENK Témalista::TörténelemtudományDEENK Témalista::Történelemtudomány::Egyetemes történetip