Borus, GyörgySándor, Nóra2013-03-192013-03-192010-03-312013-03-19 I wrote it in my introduction I hope that I can prove the existence of volunteering in all over the world. In the case study we could see the work of a national organisation which begins to achieve an international role. KÖZÖD! Youth Service Day lives a constant development, with the demand of broadening its activities and mission to more and more people. If we take a look at the theoretical and practical chapters we can see similarities between them.62enönkéntességközösségi tanulásközösségi szolgálatThe Meaning of Being a Volunteer, in Theory and PracticediplomamunkaDEENK Témalista::Társadalomtudományok::SzociológiaDEENK Témalista::Neveléstudomány::Művelődéstudományip