Csapóné Riskó, TündeJia, Liman2021-04-272021-04-272021-04-22http://hdl.handle.net/2437/307510My thesis mainly discusses the dark side of international trade, especially child labor in the international jewelry trade. First, I started my research with examining the phenomenon of child labor in countries around the world.Then I examined the standards of child labor. In the end, I chose the research topic of child labor in jewelry products. To examine the knowledge of respondents on child labor, whether respondents will consider these responsible jewelry in jewelry consumption, and their knowledge on organizations involved in the protection of children in the jewelry industry I choose questionnaire survey to do the research.80enchild laborjewelry productsDark side of international trade: child labor in the jewelry marketa nemzetközi kereskedelem árnyoldala: gyermekmunka az ékszerpiaconDEENK Témalista::Közgazdaságtudomány