Simon, ZoltánCsépányi, Zsolt2013-06-242013-06-242008-08-032013-06-24 my thesis, I will explore cyberpunk in the context of science fiction and postmodern literature. First, I will provide a history of science fiction in general, leading up to the birth of cyberpunk. Secondly, I will give an overview of the genre including origins of the name, history, subgenres, and its impact. Thirdly, cyberpunk will be examined in the context of postmodernism, linking them together. Finally, I will identify the characteristics commonly used in cyberpunk science fiction to establish my argument that it is a unique and distinctive genre.54encyberpunkpostmodernCyberpunkdiplomamunkaBreaking Down BoundariesDEENK Témalista::Irodalomtudományip