Szentmiklósi, József AndrásShittien, Amina Oumar2020-02-242020-02-242019-04-08 blood pressure of more than 140/90 mmHg recorded twice at different intervals or more than 180/160 mmHg once qualifies as High Blood Pressure. The lack of precise symptoms makes it hard to diagnose and also delays the diagnosis, which supports the name “The Silent Killer”. The most significant approach in the management is to make lifestyle modifications including diet and exercise. This has the potential of reducing the systolic blood pressure by approximately 4 to 11 mmHg for hypertensive patients. Standard of health can also be improved by the use of drugs such as ACE inhibitors, ARB’s, Beta Blockers or Diuretics. The combination of these drugs are more advantageous, therefore individual patients would get the regimen depending on their current state of health and also co-morbidities.35enHypertensive patient managementNovel trends in the treatment of hypertensive patientDEENK Témalista::Orvostudomány::Farmakológia