Márkus, ÁdámSun, Canfan2021-10-272021-10-272021-10-22http://hdl.handle.net/2437/323733This report is designed with the aim of finding out the crucial role Southern African Custom Union (SACU) plays in promoting the economic development of its member states, based on which some suggestions around the sustainable development of SACU and how it further accelerates Africa’s economic development will be put forward.Through reading this report, readers will get a comprehensive understanding of how SACU motivates the movement of goods among its member countries and promotes the economic integration of the common customs area.49enSouthern African Custom UniondevelopmenteconomicEconomic development in the Southern African Customs Union – challenges and opportunitiesGazdasági fejlődés a Dél-Afrikai Vámunióban – kihívások és lehetőségekDEENK Témalista::Közgazdaságtudomány