Szabó, FruzsinaKuknyó, Boldizsár2024-06-262024-06-262024-04-28 thesis aims to analyze and describe the ongoing social processes in a classroom, focusing on the importance of peer relationships and social dynamics' impact on student motivation and academic achievement. Furthermore, it analyzes the data gathered by a short interview after an experimental excercise in which social validation got attached to academic achievment. The study aims to discuss the consequences on students' motivation, peer relationships and the social hierarchy of the class.30enSocial dynamicsPeer ecologyEducationAttaching Social Validation to Academic Achievement in Classroom Environments.diplomamunkaKözösségi Validáció Csatolása Tanulmányi Eredményekhez Osztálytermi KörnyezetbenSocial SciencesPsychologyEducation ScienceHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.