Vajda, RóbertKovács, Zoltán2024-09-042024-09-042003-12-01Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 1 No. 2 (2003) , 347-3611589-7389 of the recent problems in higher education (less contact seminars, the heterogeneity and the increasing number of our students) call for new instructional methods. At University of Szeged we have developed a mathematical web portal which can offer a solution for such problems among the changing circumstances. This freely available, easy-to-use web-surface supports interactive mathematical problem-solving and student self assessment. Our computer program cooperates with a lot of free software (computer algebra systems, formula parsers, converters, word processors). WebMathematics Interactive has been available for the public since June 2002 on its web page algebra systemscomputer aided educationdistance learningfree softwaremodularized knowledgeMaximaMaplegnuplotPHPTEX/LATEXLinuxInteractive web portals in mathematicsfolyóiratcikkOpen AccessRóbert Vajda and Zoltán Kovács Mathematics and Computer Science21Teach. Math. Comp. Sci.2676-8364