Kardos, ÉvaKanta, Júlia Dóra2023-05-122023-05-122023-04-13https://hdl.handle.net/2437/353250Slabakova’s (2017) Scalpel Model, as one without sufficient supporting case studies, is a quite intriguing one for its holistic approach to the complex issue of third language acquisition processes. With a focus on the influence of the inhibition factor in TLA, the present study was designed to find an answer to whether, and if so, what differences a higher-level proficiency in the second language can achieve in third language competence. In order to investigate this issue, L1 Hungarian - L2 English - L3 French secondary school students were tested via a preference test. Relying on the provided theoretical studies in the field of third language acquisition, the following hypotheses were made. (1) Students with a higher-level proficiency in their L2 English will exhibit signs of more precise (positive) transfer selection in the case of phenomena in French that has shared qualities with only one of the source languages (the L1 Hungarian or the L2 English). (2) Students with a higher-level English proficiency will be more skillful in excluding interferences (transfer) from their source languages when it is not nonfacilitative.40enL3 acquisition, morphosyntactic transfer, crosslinguistic influenceCrosslinguistic Influence in Third Language Acquisition: The Acquisition of L3 FrenchNyelvközi befolyás a harmadik nyelv elsajátításában: A francia, mint harmadik nyelv elsajátításaDEENK Témalista::Neveléstudomány