Szabó, Orsolya ZsuzsannaMarsalik, Tímea2013-05-062013-05-062013-04-112013-05-06 my thesis, I will focus on roles in Angela Carter's The Magic Toyshop that are forced upon women in order to transform them into passive, powerless figures who adjust to feminine roles and not yearn for activities and qualities that are attributed to men. However, by the end of the novel it becomes obvious that women characters disobey Philip and his patriarchy several times and they step across the border of femininity. It reveals that the border between femininity and masculinity that is set up by patriarchal system can be crossed.24engenderborderlands of gendermasculinity and femininityBorderlands of Gender in Angela Carter's The Magic ToyshopdiplomamunkaDEENK Témalista::Irodalomtudomány::Összehasonlító irodalomtudományip