Matrai, Norbert ZoltánMustapha , Abdulrahman Anka2024-06-192024-06-192024 FMEA study at Sz. Varians Kft. included more than just identifying potential failure scenarios. Using the RPN grading system, this cutting-edge technology prioritised risks and found areas for process improvement. A more comprehensive analysis that included process flow mapping and cause-and-effect diagrams revealed systemic flaws and cascading consequences that are often overlooked in a risk-centric approach. Printing businesses like Sz. Varians Kft. may lower risks and simplify production processes thanks to this all-inclusive framework, which leads to long-term financial success.45enLabel PrintingQuality AssuranceFailure Mode and Effective AnalysisFailure Mode and Effective AnalysisMűszaki tudományok::GépészetHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.