Mészáros, TündeGalambos, IstvánKevey, Balázs2021-05-202021-05-20http://hdl.handle.net/2437/310084The aim of the phytosociological study of rare and protected plant species is to identify their environment to understand more clearly the ecological requirement of these species. Three grasslands were studied in Veszprém county (Hungary) in which Adonis vernalis occurs. Our results showed that there are some differences between the three sites but these are not significant so all of them can be classified as Chrysopogono-Caricetum humilis Zólyomi (1950) 1958 associations. The grassland on the Vörös Hill near Balatonalmádi has the highest nature conservation value where ten protected plant species were recorded in the association tables.27huphytosociologyprotected plant speciesassociationVeszprém countyAdonis vernalis L. populációk társulástani viszonyainak összehasonlítása Veszprém megyébenmagyar nyelvű peer review publikációtudományterületek::növénytudományok