Mózes, Dorottya KatalinKapitány, Katica Anna2019-05-272019-05-272019http://hdl.handle.net/2437/268228My thesis explores Afrofuturistic features in Kendrick Lamar's album Black Panther: The Album, which is a record containing the soundtrack for the 2018 MARVEL movie Black Panther. Throughout the thesis I discus what rap is, what Afrofuturism stands for and I give a description about Kendrick Lamar's biography and musical carrier. Last, I analyze two songs from the album showing how they are concerned with social, political and cultural issues with Afrofuturistic elements.32en-USAfrofutuirsmKendrick Lamarraproyaltyreligionracismsocial criticismAfrofuturism in Kendrick Lamar's Black Panther: The AlbumdiplomamunkaDEENK Témalista::Kultúratudomány