Hum, Ryan MalcolmLilleker, James B.Lamb, Janine A.Oldroyd, AlexanderWang, GuochunWedderburn, Lucy R.Diederichsen, Louise PyndtSchmidt, JensDanieli, Maria GiovannaOakley, PaulaGriger, ZoltánNguyen, Thi Le PhuongKodishala, ChanakyaVazquez-Del Mercado, MonicaAndersson, HelenaDe Paepe, BoelDe Bleecker, JanMaurer, BrittaMcCann, Liza J.Pipitone, NicoloMcHugh, NeilNew, Robert PaulOllier, William E.Krogh, Niels SteenVencovsky, JiriLundberg, IngridChinoy, Hector2023-10-162023-10-162023Rheumatology. -[Epub ahead of print] (2023). -RHEUMATOLOGY. - 1462-0324. - 1462-03321462-03321462-0324 of clinical features between patients with anti-synthetase syndrome and dermatomyositis: results from the MYONET registryfolyóiratcikkopen access articleányokKlinikai orvostudományokő