Bényei, TamásNagy , Ádám Bence2025-01-282025-01-282024-04-16https://hdl.handle.net/2437/386074The Underworld movie franchise depicts an ongoing conflict between werewolves and vampires, with the former experiencing significant physiological and psychological changes through five movies. These changes can be interpreted in several different ways. This thesis explores the changes as an allegory of Western history. The parallels in history and culture are discovered from the starting point of the story of the werewolves in the Underworld universe. Following that the social structures of the werewolves are described. The latter part of the thesis describes the main characters and motifs through a gender studies perspective and gender equality also appears.31envampirewerewolfmovieThe Parallels of Social and Cultural Changes in the Underworld MoviesdiplomamunkaCulture SciencesHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.