Hudácskó, Brigitta IlonaTakács, Hanga Tícia2024-06-262024-06-262024-04-15 thesis is about the woman characters in the Lord of the Rings books and movies. I introduce and analyze the female figures who appear in the story, what are their roles and the notion what they stand for. I also examine how the movie portrays the characters and why there are few of them. Analyzing the three main woman characters' narrative, actions, reasons behind their actions and depiction is also part of my essay. Each one of them has a story arc, which I also present.33enwomenLOTRfantasywoman charactersLord of the RingsWomen in the Lord of the Rings UniversediplomamunkaNők a Gyűrűk ura univerzumábanLiterary StudiesCulture SciencesHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.