Czeglédi , PálLi, Shuhui2024-12-202024-12-202024-10-24 thesis try to figure out what is the reason that China's inflation is lower and more stable than the United States and Eurozone. The thesis tries to answer this question mainly through analyzing Chinese monetary policy's content and monetary policy tools, using empirical analysis in China for better understanding, and comparing central banks in these three large economies. After the above analysis, we can conclude that the reason why China has a lower and more stable inflation is probably attributed to its unique Chinese monetary policy and national political system. And we can know that how a country's monetary policy will affect the inflation of it.44enmonetary policyinflationcentral bankWhy has China's inflation been significantly lower and more stable than that of the United States and Eurozone in the past five years?EconomicsHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.