Kun, András IstvánSamuel, Deborah Kaluki2020-05-122020-05-122020-05-08http://hdl.handle.net/2437/286856Internationalization of higher education is the process of presenting exchange activities in education and research of numerous kinds amidst universities and institutions in different countries. Internationalization of higher education in Hungary has been developed more based on financial support by the European Commission and national governments than it has been based on self-financing mechanisms. On the research, secondary data was used to save time and also because most of the institutions could not grant confidential information about other students. There is an increased number of of international students in Hungary which has boosted the economy and the GDP. Different countries have the interest to study in Hungary but some are more motivated than others.47eninternationalizationhigher educationEffects of internationalization of higher education in HungaryA nemzetköziesedés hatásai a magyar felsőoktatásraDEENK Témalista::Közgazdaságtudomány