Dajnoki, KrisztinaAl-Dalahmeh, Main2023-04-112023-04-112023https://hdl.handle.net/2437/349075The main research problem is the lack of studies on the integration of Syrian refugees into the Jordanian labor market. The study examines the socio-demographic characteristics of Syrian refugees and how these characteristics influence their occupational status, employment, and participation in the Jordanian labor market. The dissertation consists of six chapters: the subject and goals, literature review, material and methods, research findings, conclusion, and suggestions. The literature review reveals that refugee studies, particularly their labor force participation, are not given adequate consideration. Theories such as human capital theory, social capital theory, dual labor market theory, and discrimination theory were utilized to explain the problem theoretically. The empirical analysis found that older Syrian male refugees with higher educational backgrounds are more likely to secure employment opportunities in the Jordanian labor market. Additionally, the study provides unique insights into Syrian refugee entrepreneurship and the demographic characteristics of Syrian refugees. These insights could inform policies to better integrate Syrian refugees into the Jordanian labor market. The study's scientifically notable contribution is its in-depth investigation of Syrian refugee entrepreneurship and understanding of the demographic distinctions and characteristics of Syrian refugees. In conclusion, this dissertation fills a significant research gap by examining the integration of Syrian refugees into the Jordanian labor market. The study provides valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders and contributes to the broader conversation on refugees' integration into labor markets.128enSyrian refugeeslabor marketintegrationThe integration of Syrian refugees into the Jordanian labor marketThe integration of Syrian refugees into the Jordanian labor marketGazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományokTársadalomtudományok