Connors, Joseph M.Jurczak, WojciechStraus, David J.Ansell, Stephen M.Kim, Won SeogGallamini, AndreaYounes, AnasAlekseev, SergeyIllés, ÁrpádPicardi, MarcoLech-Maranda, EwaOki, YasuhiroFeldman, TatyanaSmolewski, PiotrSavage, Kerry J.Bartlett, Nancy L.Walewski, JanChen, RobertRamchandren, RadhakrishnanZinzani, Pier LuigiCunningham, DavidRosta, AndrásJosephson, Neil C.Song, EricSachs, JessicaLiu, RachaelJolin, Hina A.Huebner, DirkRadford, John2019-02-252019-02-252018New England Journal of Medicine. -378 : 9 (2018), p. 331-344. -N. Engl. J. Med. - 0028-47930028-4793 Vedotin with Chemotherapy for Stage III or IV Hodgkin's Lymphomafolyóiratcikkopen access journalányokKlinikai orvostudományok Medical Society