Z. Czunyi, Anikó2020-09-112020-09-112020-08-06Economica, Évf. 1 szám 1 (2008) , 46-491585-6216https://hdl.handle.net/2437/294631Present papers - as a preliminary study to a subsequent one- describes a research programme, which examines the system of connections of change and controlling embracing several companies. The aim of this paper is to shed light on the role of strategic controlling in the implementation of company strategy, avoiding an unsuccessful strategy, defining reversible processes and points of intervention, and also in providing feedback, while devoting a special attention to the formation of strategy-oriented organisation..application/pdfcontrollingStrategy of Changekontrollingváltoztatási stratégiaváltoztatási stratégia információjának szükségessége és a kontrolling kapcsolatafolyóiratcikkOpen AccessSzolnoki Főiskolahttps://doi.org/10.47282/ECONOMICA/2008/1/1/4388Economica112560-2322