Bai, PéterHouten, Sander M.Huber, AlineSchreiber, ValérieWatanabe, MitsuhiroKiss, Borbála Katalinde Murcia, GilbertAuwerx, JohanMenissier-de, Murcia, Josiane2008-04-172008-04-172007The Journal of Biological Chemistry. -282 : 52 (2007), p. 37738-37746. -J. Biol. Chem. - 0021-92580021-9258 polymerase-2 controls adipocyte differentiation and adipose tissue function through the regulation of the activity of the retinoid X receptor/peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma heterodimerfolyóiratcikkopen access journal (12h embargó)ányokElméleti orvostudományokAmerican Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology