Czeglédi, PálAbdukhalil, Khafizov2016-10-282016-10-282014-10-28 is a former Soviet Union country that has gained its independence in 1991. Since then, the country’s economy has been developing steadily, with GDP and population income on the rise for over 25 years now. One of the country’s developing and important economic sectors is textile industry, with the head of the government, Islam Karimov paying special attention to the development of textile industry. Therefore, by the decrees of President as well as Cabinet of Ministers, market relations have been forming with foreign countries for the export of textile products into Russia, Poland, Kyrgyzstan, as well as Ukraine. The following dissertation project focuses on textile industry of Uzbekistan and its development throughout years. The research study will be conducted upon number of textile companies in Uzbekistan considering their development and the help of marketing activities for further growth as a business.65enUzbekistantextileThe level of competitiveness of textile industry in UzbekistanÜzbegisztán textiliparának versenyképességi szintjeDEENK Témalista::Közgazdaságtudomány