Glant, TiborSpringer, Fruzsina2013-01-182013-01-182012-03-302013-01-18 sentiments towards Americans are coeval with the United States herself. In the 19th century an exceedingly positive image was substantiated by Sándor Farkas Bölöni – the description of the U.S. in his travelogue took root in the Hungarian mindset and still has its effects. However, the original picture is much faded: the events of the 20th century - the world wars, the decades of communist regime; and the 21st century corroded the glory of the U.S appreciably.31enanti-americanismHungaryAnti-Americanism in Hungary in the 21st CenturydiplomamunkaDEENK Témalista::Társadalomtudományok::Nemzetközi kapcsolatokip