Kissné Gulyás, JuditTerdik, Mónika2013-05-232013-05-232009-03-292013-05-23 difference between natural second language acquisition and formal language learning has always been an interesting research topic for linguists. There are several papers and articles that explore if acquiring a language in a natural setting, meaning in the country where that particular language is spoken, or in formal environment, which means in a classroom where the grammar and other aspects of language are taught or the combination of both is the best solution. (e.g. Krashen, 1988; Pica, 1983, Long, 1983) [...] My hypothesis states that spending considerable time abroad will help improving fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation, the use communication strategies, but will not help development in pronunciation.32ennaturalistic language acquisitionAdvantages and Disadvantages of Learning a Second Language in the Target CountrydiplomamunkaDEENK Témalista::Nyelvtudomány::Alkalmazott nyelvészetip