Győri, ZoltánZsombik, LászlóKhalfalla, Maha2025-01-242025-01-242025 research supports the crucial necessity and tackles exciting scientific questions. We are investigating the nutritional profiles of different cereal varieties under various soil conditions attributed to different region collections and shedding light on their nutritional performance. This aspect of our research is of significant importance, as it provides valuable insights into the nutritional value of these cereals. Focusing on the alternative cereal grains involved Sorghum (S. bicolor L.) and Millet (P. miliaceium L.), alongside counterparts to stable cereal grains such as Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and oat (Avena sativa). Specifically, the experiment was conducted to understand the diverse crops’ response to nitrogen fertilizer supplementation and its reflection on optimizing the nutritional compositions such as crude protein, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Cu, Na, and Mn. We investigate how these cereals respond to N fertilizer through meticulous field experiments and accumulate nutrients driven by their distinct attributes of diverse varieties. Our research findings underscore the immense potential.181ensorghum, S. bicolor L., millet, alternative grainsEvaluation of the mineral contents of alternative cereal grain for nutritional purposesPhD, doktori értekezésEvaluation of the mineral contents of alternative cereal grain for nutritional purposes