Abádi Nagy, ZoltánOláh, Gábor2013-02-282013-02-282010-04-152013-02-28http://hdl.handle.net/2437/160669Before the actual discussion of the novels, an attempt is made to place the selected works into a critical context. Essays dealing with the issues of fatherhood are brought forth, which do not originally concern the three novels. The underlying connections to the novels are then revealed, to show how they are suitable for the deduction of generally applied conclusions. Hopefully, this will sufficiently justify the strategy of the novel selection. Next, detailed analyses of the novels World’s Fair, Seize the Day, and Fight Club are made respectively in three separate chapters. Finally, a concluding chapter will summarize the findings and draw the necessary conclusions.22enfatherhoodpaternityBellowDoctorowPalahniukSuccess Jeopardizing FatherhooddiplomamunkaDEENK Témalista::Irodalomtudományip